About WinWorker
WinWorker is software for tradespeople, which supports businesses with everyday tasks, such as preparing quotes and invoices, processing orders, and site preparation. Its functions can be expanded with mobile apps and specialist modules.
One available module is a catalog of GoBD measures, which aims to enable GoBD-compliant work in all trades. Some of the module functions are audit-proof and unalterable filing of documents, a certified data carrier transfer, and process documentation.
In order to promote internal communication, the WinWorker app offers a staff chat with functions, such as a task list, receipt recording, and photo storage. The app primarily supports staff as a source of information. Writing letters and emails is facilitated with WinWorker’s direct connection to Microsoft Word and Microsoft Outlook. There are also various interfaces including the Mareon internet service portal and DATEV financial accounting software.
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WinWorker FAQs
Below are some frequently asked questions for WinWorker.Q. What type of pricing plans does WinWorker offer?
WinWorker offers the following pricing plans:
- Free Trial: Available
Please contact WinWorker directly for information on prices.
Q. Who are the typical users of WinWorker?
WinWorker has the following typical customers:
Self Employed, 2–10, 11–50, 51–200, 201–500, 501–1,000, 1,001–5,000
Q. What languages does WinWorker support?
WinWorker supports the following languages:
Q. Does WinWorker support mobile devices?
WinWorker supports the following devices:
Android (Mobile), iPhone (Mobile), iPad (Mobile)
Q. What other apps does WinWorker integrate with?
WinWorker integrates with the following applications:
Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Word
Q. What level of support does WinWorker offer?
WinWorker offers the following support options:
Email/Help Desk, FAQs/Forum, Phone Support
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